Ultrasonic Safety & Survey Equipments

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Ultrasonic Hatch Cover Testing For Water Tightness

There are many problems being faced by the business world and amongst them, leaks are in the top ten. Wherever they are, leaks are never welcomed and they cause the most terrible accidents and unfortunate incidents. Unfortunately the biggest victim of leaks is the shipping industry which spends a major amount of it profits in the fight against leaks and the after effects of it if they were not treated at the right time.

Leaking hatch covers are the industry’s biggest woes and there is no way it can be stopped completely. Another reason why we have leaking ships till running today is even though it is asked again and again by the ship owners to keep testing the tightness of hatch with ultrasound but when they ignore it, the problem of leaking hatch covers remains prevalent.

Leaks can be caused due to many reasons and when they do occur on the hatch covers, there is no limit to the damage that can be done by them. Some of the main reasons that cause leaks in the hatch covers is the scraping and scratching of the heavy chains that are used to lower and lift the cargo. As the bulky chains come in contact with the body, they rip apart the paint making the metal body come in exposure with the humid air of the oceans and seas.

As soon as the metal gets exposed to humidity, it starts catching rust which starts expanding to all the metal it can reach. No matter how thick or thin the metal sheet is, the rust starts gnawing at it layer by layer until it has nothing more to gnaw at which results in a clear hole. In case the metal sheet is thick, it will take a bit longer for the hole to be formed completely. And since the hatch covers are usually made up of a very thick metal sheet, it takes a while for them to develop holes. But once they do develop holes, it means there is nothing that can be done now except to apply the treatment.

Applying the treatment can be through various methods which are purely according to the size, build and design of the hatch covers. But applying the treatment also cannot be done unless the hatch cover ultrasonic tightness testing has been done to find the areas of where to apply the treatment. If the holes are within reach and there is nothing to be dismantled, the repair costs would obviously be lower and the ship’s maintenance staff would also be able to take care of it. But if there is a need to put apart some pieces, then the ship might have to be sent to a workshop where it can take some days to put the ship back in action again.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Ultrasonic Testing For the Supersonic Jet

As we have moved into the New Year, we have entered in a year where scientists and engineers are more determined to make their dream come true by creating the world’s fastest airplane. Currently the biggest problems being faced by the engineers and scientists is to keep the integrity of the plane intact once it reaches abnormal speed. The different types of bodies built for the planes have yet not been able to maintain their tightness once they reach their top speeds and as the tiniest hole are created in the body, the entire plane is blown to smithereens and the test fails.

Some unmanned planes have been tested and as they have managed to break the sound barrier, the body became too hot with the air pressure and friction resulting in it to break or blow up. When the model is in the test labs, there isn’t enough air pressure and friction built up which could really give out the results of a real time flight. But the tests aren’t too far from reality and there are possible chances that the body does manage to expand and build a hole or loosen its tightness.

Even if there is a hole created or not, it is only found out by the checking of tightness of hatch with ultrasound, the popular test method used in the shipping industry to find out hidden holes small, minute or even big in hatch covers. The test model is tested for the holes and if they are found anywhere in the body, the answer is obvious, it is a failure and what body couldn’t survive the test of a lab wouldn’t be able to reach top speed before blowing up like a balloon pricked with a needle.

As the search for a more flexible and unbreakable outer body for supersonic airplanes is still underway, dozens of alloys have been rejected in the experiments as they failed to provide the desired results. The project to bring out the world’s first reliable and workable supersonic jet has become a matter of pride among the countries. There are several projects underway in the United States only and the other countries are also vying to get the spot for creating the world’s first supersonic jet.

Until and unless the prototype passes the lab test and then the leaks and damage test also termed as the hatch cover ultrasonic tightness testing for the marine industry, it is not sent for a real flight test. But unfortunately hundreds of designs have been rejected and so have been the different alloys used for building the prototype’s body. But we can be sure that in future we will see a supersonic jet in function and maybe our children on their children will get a chance to travel the world in it within minutes.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

The Most Profitable Tightness Test

The business world is moving towards enhancing quality in the products, services and everything else. As the race for becoming the best in quality among businesses is in top gear, the transport industry is also not left behind. The need for quality voyages is now needed more than ever and the ships with leaking hatch covers are asked to be repaired. Hatch covers can grow a leak due to many reasons. Let’s not go into the details for now. However, there is a cure to these leaks as they can be refilled. But one of the huge tasks apart from refilling the holes on a ship is to find the exact location of the hole so that there wouldn’t be any unnecessary dismantling.

The method of ultrasonic tightness testing of hatch covers has proven to be a very useful method with excellent results. This method has not only proven to be accurate, but has also resulted in the cheapest and the most profitable method. Why we call it the cheapest? The reason for it to be cheapest is that all it takes is a onetime cost of purchasing the device and then the owner or any person from his staff can run the test. It is recommended that every test should be conducted with new batteries or fully charged batteries in case rechargeable batteries are used. How much would it cost huh? There is no need for any other material to be applied during the test as in the case of hose testing water and powerful pumps are needed.

Now to explain the reason for calling it the most profitable method, the tightness of hatch with ultrasound can be checked even with a filled cargo hold. If the cargo holds have been completely filled with goods, there is no need to unload the goods or to delay the tests. The small generator can be placed anywhere in the holds and the hatch covers can be closed. Now run the test without fearing any damage to the goods as the ultrasonic waves are completely harmless. Unlike the hose testing which could never be done with a cargo hold filled with goods, the ultrasonic hatch cover testing saves time and energy that would have been spent in it. Also the time needed for a complete test is not more than just minutes; this means it is also the fastest to be completed successfully. Hence there is no doubt that it is the most profitable method to conduct the tightness test.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Save On Operational Costs with Ultrasonic Testing

Leaking hatch covers are the biggest problem for the sea route transport industry. The leaks in the hatch covers are the reason this huge industry which is present all over the globe ends up paying millions or even billions of cash against damage claims. For those who have never seen a transport ship in real can imagine the size of it as bigger than the Eiffel tower. Imagine the huge number of goods that can be stored in a ship of such massive size. Clearly it can carry goods worth billions of dollars in a single shift. Imagine the huge loss which would have to be paid by a single shipping company once the water has seeped inside the cargo holds and damages the goods worth the huge amount.

There is a solution to this problem which is clearly filling the holes, but since a transport ship is a vehicle which is more on the move than it gets to rest every year. The process of filling the holes is easier said than done as we all know lifting the huge weight of these hatch covers is neither easy nor cheap. The process also is done in two phases and the first one is the most important and known as the ultrasonic tightness testing of hatch covers. This process is designed to save time and thousands of dollars which would be termed as flushing down the drain.

Without knowing the exact location and the size of the hole, the attempt to find holes manually after removing the many layers of the ship’s metal body would cost more than the actual worth of the ship. And once the layers have been removed and the hole isn’t found, it would be simply adding insult to injury. In business, it is never a wise move to waste time and money on tests that would yield unexpected results. Also taking fool hardy risks is highly disregarded and it would be simply equal to burn money foolishly. The process to hunt leaks before proceeding to repair them or remove them has been devised a long time ago, but the method of using the ultrasonic device is new.

Checking the tightness of hatch with ultrasound has proved to be worthy and cheap. This is the reason it is urged to the maritime industry to focus more on it rather than fall for the old methods which are time consuming and heavily expensive. Today is the age of high competition and no business can afford to pay more for its operational costs than its competitors. Indulging in such activity would soon make it lose the race and fall way back into the gloom and there would be a time soon when it would get completely out of business.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Leaks – Transport Industry Dilemma

A lot is being discussed about the importance of the maritime industry but without the road transport industry there would be a huge setback in the business world. All of the transport industries are interconnected and interrelated. They all support each other and are dependent on each other because a ship would only transport the goods on the oceans and seas, after reaching the dock the goods are handed over to the road transporters who then carry the goods to their final destinations. The problems of these industries are also a lot same as they have to face the pressurizing deadlines and most importantly, they have to keep their vehicles absolutely leak free and weather proof.

The most important task they have to perform repeatedly is to keep checking their tightness of hatch with ultrasound. Without the checking of tightness with the ultrasonic device the vehicles get problematic as they develop holes which destroy packages and consignments onboard. There are all kinds of packages which need to be delivered all over the world. Some packages are very sensitive and need to be saved from the harsh weather and especially the water and humidity. This is the reason why we see all delivery vans completely sealed.

Due to the nature of their work, delivery vehicles are subjected to very harsh treatments. There are many huge and bulky packages which are needed to be transported and they are loaded or unloaded in the vehicles they bump against the walls. This bumping leaves an impact on the vehicle’s body and the paint which is one of the most important aspects of a vehicle, apart from making it look attractive serves as insulation against rust. When the paint is chipped or peeled off due to any reason (most probably scratching and scraping of the goods), the humidity in the air causes rust to be formed on it.

There is no need to explain the chemical properties of rust and we all know it, once it appears, it starts spreading very quickly. The unfortunate body of the vehicle that catches rust loses the iron from that spot and a hole appears in its place. This is where the water and humidity finds a place to get inside without anyone noticing and only to find out when the damage has been done. Using the hatch cover ultrasonic tightness testing the location of such holes is easily found out. After learning about the leaks in the vehicle’s body they can be removed and the vehicle would again be leak free and weather proof at the same time.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Ignoring Ultrasonic Test Means Risking a Year

As we move into the future with each passing day, there is a great need for the old problems to be given up forever. Unfortunately, this is not becoming a reality not for the maritime industry at least. The problem of leaking hatch covers has been in existence from day one and it is still there. The reasons are various for a leak to appear, but the reason for damages due to leaks is all because the lack of hatch cover ultrasonic tightness testing by the ship’s management. The ultrasonic test is meant to unearth all the hidden and unhidden leaks in the hatch covers or the ship’s body.

Leaks can be formed in some of the most bizarre locations on the ship. These leaks are formed due to many reasons but the commonest reason is the peeling away of the paint from the ship’s body. No matter how thick the iron of the ship’s body is, it is no match for the extremely humid air of the oceans on which the ship sails it entire life. As soon as the paint comes off, the water present in the air, also known as humidity reacts with the iron and creates rust in that area. It is the nature of rust to start expanding once it is formed and it gets deeper into the body until it clearly creates a hole.

The shipping industry or the transport industry via sea route pays millions of dollars each year in terms of claims and damages to the customers who have shipped their goods on the ships that got damaged due to the water that seeped inside the cargo holds through the holes in the hatch covers or the body. These increasing payments are a huge concern for the ship’s insurers and stake holders because it clearly reduces profits and increases expenses. What good is a business if you have to pay more than you earn running around like mad all year long?

Until the location of the holes is unknown there is no way they can be treated. It is not possible to strip apart the entire ship and inspect it piece by piece. That is the reason why we need to check the tightness of hatch with ultrasound so that we know where the holes are and devise a strategy to have them refilled without hurting the deadlines. It is crucial to meet the deadlines because a delay in a voyage would mean an extended delay in the unloading on the port and the next voyage as well. It would clearly disrupt the entire year’s cycle if the ship fails to complete its voyage in time.

Effective Testing With the Ultrasonic Device

A human being has no control over weather. There is no human control over rain or any other nature’s mood. This is one of the biggest troubles for the maritime industry because if a ship is out in the ocean and encounters rain, it could mean big trouble for the ship’s staff especially with leaking hatch covers because the cargo is at a huge risk of getting wet damage. Leaking hatch covers have caused the industry more loss than the price of all the hatch covers put together. The maritime industry pays millions of dollars every year in terms of claims to the customers whose goods have been damaged during the voyage.

There is a dire need for the ships to run more tightness tests using the ultrasonic hatch cover tester. Running the test is the first step towards removing the leaks from hatch covers. Unless the staff knows about the location of the leaks there is nothing they can do to remove the leaks. Apart from the ultrasonic leak testing there is a way known as the hose pipe test. But it is not too favorable because in it the joints or the openings are doused with a high pressure jet of water. This causes the water to seep inside the leaking areas and wets the cargo holds. It increases work because not only the hatch covers are needed to be dried, but the cargo holds are also needed to be wiped clean.

With the portable ultrasonic watertight integrity test indicator there is no such issue. And since the device is completely portable, there is no issue of dragging heavy pipes or extra wires. The device runs on batteries and can be taken anywhere with ease and convenience. With the ultrasonic device the issue of wetting any area is also never raised. There is no after work after running the ultrasonic test. The areas are neat and clean just the way there were before running the test and all the person running the test has to do is mark the areas for identification.

The ultrasonic test is fast and reliable which is the reason why it is gaining popularity. Once the test is completed the ship can be sent for repair which saves the cleaning time that comes after the hose testing. This way the ship also does not have to waste time in extra work and the deadlines can be met very easily even after the repair work.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Ultrasonic Tests Essential for Industry Growth

Whenever we talk about sending a consignment abroad, the first option that pops up within our mind is shipping via sea route. The reason why we get the idea without having the need to brainstorm for other options is the low rates as compared to sending via air cargo. But soon enough a doubt begins to cloud our hopes about the safety of the consignment throughout the voyage. Many people have experienced the bitter side of sending their goods through the sea route. There are many stories about people getting robbed of their profit because the consignment was damaged and the receiver refused to pay for the damaged goods which were soaking wet when unloaded.

Leaking ships are the biggest problem faced by this huge and highly profitable industry. There are many reasons for a leak to appear on a ship, but the biggest crime is ignoring to run the test of tightness of hatch with ultrasound. When ship owners or managers ignore the need to check for holes in the hatch covers, it creates a fair ground for holes where they can multiply easily and cause maximum damage to the goods onboard. As the advanced countries like the US and Europe provides safety to the customers who send their goods through the transport ships by providing insurance, many countries still lack this facility and a customer who has suffered damage to the consignment has nowhere to go bit to bear the entire loss himself. This is a serious blow to the industry because customers from such types of countries prefer to spend extra but choose the air cargo for safety of their goods.

It is not impossible to remove the holes that have taken place on a ship’s body or the hatch covers. It takes time to repair the holes but it is necessary to keep the ship in a working condition and to keep the industry rolling and growing. We live in an advanced age where everything is being converted to mobile. Gone are the days when there were huge machines the size of a room and could not be moved from their place. There is a plethora of portable devices that are used in many industries and among these devices; there exists the ultrasonic hatch cover tester which is handheld and completely portable.

The hatch cover ultrasonic tightness testing can be easily done with this portable device and any ship can be checked by the staff without calling any special teams to conduct the test. Owning the device is all there is needed to be done and anyone from the staff can be trained to run the tests. As the device is handheld and portable, the test can be successfully run by a single person and all the holes can be found out without any problem. The person running the test can mark all the areas of the holes and then report to the higher authority to decide when to apply the repairs.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Make Short Tests to Ensure Water Tightness

Security and safety of the goods is one of the biggest concerns of a customer when sending the consignment abroad. A lot of news is surfacing the media channels about the undesired incidents that happen to the goods during a voyage. These incidents have created unrest among the customers who are unsure if their goods will be reaching their destination safe and sound. It is the duty of the ship owners and the manager to ensure that his ship is completely water tight and there is no leak in the entire ship which can cause the ship or the goods on it come to any harm.

Hatch cover ultrasonic tightness testing is the procedure to never let down by the ship’s management and staff. The first step towards a leak proof ship is to find the leaking areas. It is necessary to find all the holes in the ship’s body and the hatch covers to remove them and make the ship free from any hole present in it. The ultrasonic device is the latest and the most accurate gadget that can guide the staff towards the holes present in the ship’s body and hatch covers. Without knowing the location of the damages, there is no way someone can apply the repairs.

Previously the water hose and chalk were the methods used to test the tightness of hatch covers and the ship’s body. We all know that in these busy times when every second counts as money, no one has enough time to let the ship be gone for a lengthy test which can easily take up to days or week to be completed. After completing the lengthy test the ship would then be sent to the workshop for repair which would then be taking many days or weeks to get the holes filled.

The maritime industry is pressed under huge stress from the customers to make the most voyages possible. In these pressing situations the only way possible for the ship owners and managers is to keep the tests as short as possible to save time. The shortest time possible is only through checking the tightness of hatch with ultrasound. It is the only method which can be completed within the shortest time and with the most accurate results. So in these busy times, every ship owner should be making use of the ultrasonic device to keep his ship leak free and to maintain a reputation of delivering the goods safe and sound each time the ship sails for a voyage.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Small Investment Saves from Huge Losses

Every country in the world is promoting the export industry as it is the only purest method to earn foreign revenue, make better ties with the other countries and to strengthen their economy. The countries make use of the resources that are plentiful in their region and are needed by the others. This creates an opportunity to reduce unemployment by creating jobs in the country and make peace among the citizens.

Due to the massive increase of promoting exports and strengthening trade ties with the other countries, the shipping and transport industry is expanding rapidly. A lot of new ships are being added to the fleets and the need for old ones is also not dying. However, even if the ship is new or old, the extra trips that are to be made and the huge pressure on the ship owners to be ready for any unexpected announcement of a voyage is ruining the condition of ships very quickly.

In the haste to make more voyages and to earn more profits, the process of testing tightness of hatch with ultrasound is being ignored which is extremely bad for the industry and business. When the tests are ignored, the hidden leaks and holes in a ship’s body are unfound and they let the water come inside the cargo holds during the voyage. The water that enters the cargo holds wets the goods inside and damages them. Damaging the goods during the transportation would need to be paid for. It is the responsibility of the ship owner to make sure that the goods are transported safely.

The goods that are damaged during the transportation are paid against claims filed by their owners against the shipping company. When the goods are handed over to the shipping company for transport a complete detail of the goods is provided. It clearly mentions the items in the consignment, the number of items and their price. An insurance fee is submitted and in case the goods are damaged, the price is paid according to the insurance policy.

The hatch cover ultrasonic tightness testing allows the ship owners to find out the leaks which are potential threats to the goods on board. When the test is completed and the holes are found, the ship owner can send the ship for repairs and the holes can be filled to block out the water. Blocking the water inlet allows the goods to be safe from water damage throughout the voyage. This way the small repairs can save the company from huge losses.

Friday, 3 January 2014

Find Holes and Repair Hatch Covers

Business growth can be ensured when the related industries with it also perform their best. Currently the business style revolves more around the import and export which is in high demand and increasing every day. Today’s business circle relies completely on the shipping industry which performs the tiresome task of transporting the goods from one country to another. The shipping industry has become too busy now as the demand for exporting goods increases and the pressing demand for increased voyages has resulted in the ship owners to become less responsible towards the checking of tightness of hatch with ultrasound.

Hatch covers are the only protection for the goods that are placed inside the cargo holds of the transport ships. The cargo holds are just like the halls of a building; the only difference is that these halls are open from the top and the only ceilings that can be placed upon them are the hatch covers. Hatch covers are tough and made to last long, but with the passage of time and the constant usage, it makes them weak. The hatch covers either lose their tightness which is created by the rubber pads around the opening to block out the air and water completely, or the usual bumping o goods and the scraping of the heavy chains creates dents which later on become holes.

These holes are the worst enemy of a transport ship because they let the water flow in. as the flows inside the cargo holds they destroy the goods that are inside and are to be carried to their destinations. The goods that are placed onboard the transport ship are insured. In case of any mishap the owner of the goods gets reimbursed according to the policies of the insurance. The reimbursement of the goods falls on the ship owner whose ship has caused the destruction of the goods.

Paying for the damages is never in the favor of the ship owner because it clearly chews away the profit that could have been availed if the goods had reached their destination safe and sound. Since the owner has refused to pay attention towards the hatch cover ultrasonic tightness testing, he ends up paying for the damages to the goods that have occurred on his ship. So it is better to make the ship secure early than end up paying a lot of money in terms of claims and insurance and then begin the repairing too.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Leak Proofing is the New Year’s Resolution

A new year has begun, 2013 has become a part of history and the once perceived future is now the present as we have entered the year 2014. New Year brings a lot of happiness and is considered a best time to make resolutions on a personal level and on a business level too. New goals are set up and new strategies are made. We see a horde of new designs, changes and so many things with the arrival of the New Year. Many major businesses already announce the attractions they will be providing as the last month of a year approaches. This New Year is also one of the best for the shipping industry because the trade will increase among all companies and most probably countries.

With the arrival of the year 2014 the shipping industry can make a New Year resolution that will not only make it a better and reliable industry, but it will also make it a more profitable industry. This resolution should be regular checking of the tightness of hatch with ultrasound for every ship that is to set sail in the year 2014. Checking the tightness of all the hatch covers of a ship on a regular basis is the first step towards controlling the quality of a ship and making it completely leak proof. Leaking ships are a blob of disgust on the entire industry because they not only damage the goods they are carrying, but they also damage the business whose goods are destroyed.

A business person always orders the goods according to their demand in his business. If the goods are damaged during the transportation process and even if the damages are paid by the ship owners, the customers who return from his shop empty handed due to non availability of the goods are customers lost forever. This clearly means that his business receives a huge blow which will leave its impact for a very long time or almost for the entire life. Getting reimbursed in terms of claims or insurance may be beneficial for the time being, but it is never a good option for business which aims for the longer term.

Hatch cover ultrasonic tightness testing should be on top of the New Year’s resolution for the year 2014 for every ship owner. This way he will not only be strengthening his own business, but also indirectly empowering the country’s economy and playing an indirect but a very effective part in booming the business of the country he is dealing with. Safe and satisfactory voyage mean more business, more bookings for the entire year and almost zero losses that are paid off as insurance claims.