Ultrasonic Safety & Survey Equipments

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Modern Age and the Use of Ultrasonic Gear

It has now turned into a typical practice to make utilization of ultrasonic gear as it is one of the dependable methods for Hatch cover maintenance and watertight integrity testing. Ultrasonic testing is outstanding in giving pin-point correctness. It is dependent upon greatly straightforward and standard. To check the snugness of trapdoor with ultrasound, an ultrasonic transmitter is utilized which is set within the hold. It begins discharging ultrasound waves. The portal blanket over it is then totally and hard shut and fixed. The specialist of the ultrasonic transmitter, then make utilization of the Ultrasonic finder to listen from the outside of the holder. It can recognize all the "spillage" ultrasonic sounds that pass through fixed plans. This empowers the specialist to stick point the spillages or any issue with incredible and extraordinary correctness.
  • There are numerous preferences and profits of utilizing seal spread ultrasonic snugness testing supplies and method;
  • It gives totally solid, precise and repeatable effects.
  • It minimizes the expense, as the main cost it brings about is on buying the ultrasonic gadget.
  • It does not need water or whatever viable sort of troublesome operations or methods.
  • An ultrasonic testing chop down the time which is needed for testing the states of portal spreads entryways or windows.
  • It guarantees that bring forth blankets turn out to be without a doubt commendable for the payload and keep any kind of water drainage.
  • It can likewise be utilized for the holds that are stacked with the water helpless load.
  • It could be led independent of any sort of climate conditions.
  • It gives clear and pin point implications about clamping.
watertight compartment doors testing
The ultrasonic testing has ended up particularly famous and generally utilized by the transportation business because of its numerous diverse focal points that it renders to the business. It causes a decrease in expenses which is an ongoing alleviation. This is on account of it spares them bunches of time and from distinctive sort of punishments which may have forced on them, generally, because of any issues in the load. The organizations which are making utilization of ultrasonic snugness testing gadgets with full degree and on customary foundation are presently ready to gain better benefits and they are additionally getting more voyages. The innovation of this ultrasonic gadget and strategy is truly a huge blessing to the oceanic business, in this up to date and aggressive age.

The utilization of watertight compartment doors testing has ended up to a great degree significant in the up to date industry, in light of the fact that it brings down the danger calculates and empowers the organizations to addition great arrangement of benefits while minimizing their expenses. It serves to make dependability and legitimacy of the organization in the business and help them pick up great and gainful contracts from the business sector. There are numerous distinctive makers in the business who are putting forth new, most recent and enhanced ultrasonic gadgets which will lift your business to new statures by spending a small amount of money.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Without Running the Tightness Tests a Ship Is Always Unsafe

Some of the biggest losses covered by the industries all over the globe are from the ship transport industry. The industry is one of the biggest loss payers all over the globe and the amounts it pays in accumulation can be counted in billions. The lost amount is too huge to be ignored and the reason behind the loss is mishandling of the cargo, skipping deadlines and these two have a minor share on the pie chart but the biggest slice of the pie is due to the leaking hatch covers. The ships which are being run without the Hatch cover maintenance and watertight integrity testing are the biggest cause of the loss generation and damaging the goods inside the cargo holds.

Due to the pressing deadlines and the shortage of transport ships, the available ships are under huge pressure and in great demand which does not leave them with enough time to complete the testing. Since a majority of the ship owners are adamant to use the world’s oldest method to test holes and leaks, the water hose testing method, it requires the ship to be completely free from cargo and some good days time to complete the test. The ships do not have enough time to spend on the tests because if the ships are sent for the tests, a deadline would be missed for sure and in either case, the ship’s management would be liable to pay the fines.

The leaks in the ship’s body not only affect and damage the cargo in the holds, the damage starts expanding from the cargo holds to the other parts of the ship as well. Once a ship’s body part catches rust, there is no stopping it from expanding and taking the other parts within its grip. Other than the ships hatch covers, the compartment doors are the second most vulnerable part of a ship. Since the doors are constantly being used, they are the fastest to catch rust apart from the hatch covers. The doors of the compartments are meant to be watertight so that there is no transfer of water among the compartments in case some compartment gets filled with water.

Checking the water tightness of the doors through the watertight compartment doors testing ensures that the doors are always water tight when shut. In case the ships compartment gets filled with water or develops a leak, there is no chance that the water would manage to travel to the other compartments hence the ship would never lose its stability and would remain upright even in the worst conditions. Many ships turn turtle or lie on one side because of the leaking doors and the water traveling from one compartment to all the adjoining compartments.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Highest Risk Levels When Leak Testing Is Ignored

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the global trade is based upon the import and export f goods among the different countries. Oil is exported to all the countries from the Middle East and the Asian countries are rich with fertile soil hence they are known best for their export of vegetables and other eatables. Similarly the goods are being manufactured in China which is at the time the biggest manufacturer of goods from the smallest needle to the biggest things such as engines and other parts. Hence the only way countries have such thriving businesses is due to the trade among different countries. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the only driving force of the trade among countries is the transport ship which makes it possible to ship the goods from one country to another.

But unfortunately the transport ships are the biggest victims of the rusting which is not only destroying the ships, but it is also destroying the goods on board the transport ships. There is no stopping to the rust but it can be repaired after the successful hatch cover maintenance and watertight integrity testing. The testing is the only way to find the location of the holes and the leaks which have been caused due to some displacement of the rubber pads or something else. Hatch covers are the most affected parts of the transport ship because they receive the most damage due to the heavy chains as they come in contact with the metal during the loading and unloading of the goods in the cargo holds.

But the rust when it forms on the ship’s body, it does not get restricted to the hatch covers only. The rust starts spreading all over the ship on every metal piece which is exposed. The paint is the only resistive force which keeps the rust from forming on the metal. As long as the metal is well painted, the rust can be kept away. But after some years of being in work, the transport ships’ paint gets torn off from many different places and the rust starts spreading all over the ship. Even the wiring ducts get filled with water and this is the greatest threat because it can cause the ship to short circuit, catch fire or even blow up in case there are some toxic materials on board. Hence it wouldn’t be wrong to say that the cable transit areas watertight testing is also a must on every transport and even luxury ship.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Leak Testing Is Compulsory For A Maintained Ship

Keeping and maintaining a transport ship is not the task of a small business owner but only a business tycoon can manage to keep his transport ship on the go. There is a lot of maintenance work going on the ship every month and to top it all, the rust that takes place on the ship makes the task even more difficult. The most affected parts due to rust of a transport ship are the hatch covers which get damaged because of the constant use and the harsh treatment it gets when the goods are being loaded and unloaded. And ignoring the leaks in it are even a greater mistake because if the water gets inside through them, the goods in the cargo holds get damaged and the loss is greater than the company can afford to pay at some times. Hence there is no compromise on the Hatch cover maintenance and watertight integrity testing.

There are two ways of running the hatch cover maintenance and watertight integrity testing nowadays. One is the modern method consisting of the ultrasonic leak detector and the other one is the old method by using the water hose. The water hose method is undoubtedly the oldest method and today it is not encouraged to practice it anymore but some ship owners are still adamant on using it. It is a painstaking procedure and causes more harm to the ship which is already suffering from rust. When the ship is doused with water, nay part of it which is left free of rust gets a complete chance to catch rust. And most of the time, new rust gets formed where water reaches intentionally or unintentionally.

It is not just the hatch covers of a ship that needs to be tested for leaks and holes. In order to keep a ship completely watertight and leak free, every moving part of the ship must be tested. The moving parts of a ship are the most vulnerable parts to catch rust. Hence the compartment doors cannot be ignored and it is important to conduct the watertight compartment doors testing. The testing provides a chance to learn about the unexpected holes and leaks in the doors which are actually designed to completely crate a vacuum when closed. As the doors develop leaks, the vacuum fails to be created and this means that the doors need to be repaired.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Water Tightness of Everything to Stay Afloat

They say the best way to destroy a ship is by creating a hole in it. Since ships can only stay afloat as long as they are leak free and they have less density than the water, as the water enters the ship’s body, it starts increasing the ship’s density and it starts sinking. Hence it becomes impossible to ignore the Hatch cover maintenance and watertight integrity testing because this testing allows the crew to learn about the location of the holes in the ship’s hatch covers and the body. As the holes are discovered they can be treated and the metal around the holes can be patched with a new sheet to make it watertight once again.

The transport ships have to endure a lot of rough treatment during the loading and unloading of the goods in the cargo holds. The heavy chains scrape the metal body; the forklifts working on the loading and unloading of the goods exert a lot of pressure on the ship’s deck. This pressure can rip off the paint and as the paint gets ripped off, the bare metal is exposed to the humid air which wastes no time to make the metal rusted. Rust is like cancer to the metal. Once it is formed there is no way of stopping it except a few methods and number one is to find the location of the rust.

When the deck becomes rusted and a hole is created, the water finds a way to enter the ship on the inside and the level of damage becomes greater. The damage shifts from one place to another and soon the walls become rusted and the rust starts expanding there is no stopping to it. One hole is found on the deck the other is found in some other compartment. Hence there is no guarantee or no one can pinpoint an area that the rust wouldn’t expand from it. The fight against rust in the shipping industry was incepted when the first ship was made and it still continues till date.

Therefore it is important to keep the tests not confined to just the hatch covers, but it is also important to run the watertight compartment doors testing because it will ensure that the other areas of the ship are also safe and free from rust. Doors are always made watertight because if the water has entered one compartment, it does not gain access to another one because if the water starts expanding within the compartments the ship would soon become heavy and would initially start sinking and then there is no stopping to the damages.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Never Ignore Watertight Testing If You Own a Ship

Do you own a ship or a yacht? If you do, you would be aware of the need for the checking of watertight compartment doors testing. We all know that the ship’s body catches rust easily. No matter how good the materials are used to make a ship, until and unless the paint does not get removed, there is no chance of the ship to catch rust. But this is not possible for a lifetime, even the best kept cars can have their paints removed with the passage of time. And since the ship is exposed to such high humidity, the chances of getting rusty are higher than anywhere else.

Floating on water, traveling many miles during its lifetime, the paint somehow gets peeled off and the metal body gets exposed. The scraping and the bumping of goods, the shoes people wear and many other things cause the paint to peel off from the deck and also other parts of the ship’s body. As soon as the paint gets off from the ship’s body, the humidity starts reacting with it and the rust starts forming. It is not always that rust would need a huge plate to become exposed. Even a molecule that gets exposed would react and rust would be formed. Hence there is no guarantee to the size of the rust that can be present in the ship.

Rusting of a ship is not something out of this world. It can happen any time and can happen to any ship. No matter how old or new the ship may be, once the slightest paint gets peeled off, the rust starts to form instantaneously.  As the rust finds a place in the body to settle down, it soon starts spreading to other parts. Spreading from inside the ship’s body, it soon eats away the metal sheet and a clear hole forms in its place. The hole can be in a place which is not easily traceable. And the damage will be done by it and the owner realizes there is a hole only after the damage has been noticed.

Intense testing is required to ensure that the ship does not have a hole in it. Even the cable transit areas watertight testing is important to ensure that the ship is safe and free from holes. If a hole forms anywhere in the ship’s body, there is a great chance that water will find its way inside the cable ducts and then as it gets the chance, the drops of water will touch the wires and start a spark. The spark can just end there by burning a few wires or it can even cause the entire wiring to get burnt or even worse, it may cause a flame to erupt and the ship would soon be engulfed in flames.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Protect Goods on Ship with Ultrasonic Tests

High inflation, lesser jobs, security issues and lots of other social problems are not just about a single area or country but are becoming global and the only way to overcome these problems is through promoting businesses all over the world. One business has the potential to provide jobs to almost a dozen people and if the business is bigger and has more potential then the job opportunities in it can be greater. Today governments all over the world are taking steps to promote businesses in their countries and due to these steps taken by the governments, people are getting jobs and one industry is also expanding which is the sole reason of providing jobs to many. The industry under discussion is the shipping industry which is the reason why we have imports and exports of goods.

The shipping industry is one of the busiest industries today due to the great work load. Transporting tons of goods from one country to another or it wouldn’t be wrong to say transporting goods from one continent to another, the huge ships are the reason we can purchase anything made in any country from anywhere. But unfortunately due to shortage of time, the transport ships are neglected of repairs and they develop leaks and holes in their hatch covers which turn the profitable business into a loss generating business. Unless the management takes hatch cover maintenance and watertight integrity testing seriously, the holes and leaks will remain hidden and would emerge only when the damage would be great.

Some transport ships have had to retire and spend their time in the dump yard because the management didn’t pay heed to the holes and never thought seriously about conducting the tests for leaks and holes. Soon the ship became so bad in condition that it could neither be repaired nor used further. If the management would have taken action at the right time the damages wouldn’t have been so great and the ship might have been able to pass the fitness test. The holes are formed due to uncontrolled rust on the metal sheets used to make the ship’s body. As the rust starts spreading, it becomes stronger and makes the ship’s body weaker.

As the ship’s body becomes weaker it becomes vulnerable to so many things and especially loses its ability to restrain water from entering the cargo holds where the goods worth millions of dollars are kept to be transported to their rightful owners. As the water start entering the cargo holds it begins destroying the goods kept inside and once the goods are damaged, it becomes the responsibility of the ship’s owner to pay for the damaged. This is why it is always required to have the watertight compartment doors testing so that the holes and leaks would be identified and repaired while there is still time and no damage has been done.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Testing Various Parts for Leaks to Ensure Safety

Ships are no longer considered an extra type of vehicle, but they are now one of the most prized possessions of the rich and one of the biggest industries worldwide. The transport ships are one of the most widely used and the busiest of all the ships. They are on the go round the year and they make it possible for the entire world to keep on trading and think about expansion and growth. It is one of the biggest profit generating industries of the world. But as this industry is one of the most profitable and the busiest, it also gets damaged from time to time due to various factors and requires to be up kept.

The biggest problem of the shipping industry is none other than a leak in the body or the hatch covers.  A leak can be of any size, big or small, but the consequences are greater than thinkable. In a transport ship, the hatch covers get the most damage and they require checking and testing for leaks. The hatch cover maintenance and watertight integrity testing is one of the most important tasks assigned to the maintenance staff of the ship. As the leaks are usually hidden from plan view, they have to be hunted and dug out to apply the repairs. Unless these holes are found, there is no way water drainage into the cargo holds can be stopped and prevented.

When the water has once entered the ship’s body, it does not stand still but starts touching the different parts also. And as the ship sails for months before reaching a destination and having the hatch cover opened again, the water finds enough time to start rusting the inner body of the ship and also weakens other parts. The water creates rust and ultimately holes in the walls and the duct pipes of the cables running along the walls. The heavy cables which are used to provide electricity through the ship for lighting and other purposes are passing through these ducts.

As we all know that after some years of being in use, there are times when the cables are cut from some places to make extra branches and to provide electricity to some extra installations. As these cables are cut, they are wrapped with a special heavy duty tape to conceal the naked wires and save them from any kind of short circuit. But human error is non negligible and there are huge chances that some wire may have found its head out of the tape and be able to cause damage. If water gets access to this wire by any chance, the damage would be huge and this is one main reason to justify cable transit areas watertight testing.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Liquid Measurement Devices Are a Need of Modern Manufacturers

The use of liquids in a manufacturing unit is growing intensely and there are more combinations of liquids used today than ever. The manufacturing units which are involved in making products designed to last a long time such as cars, airplanes, paints and so many other things are the biggest users of liquids during manufacturing processes. And every business or storage plant which stores a huge amount of liquids definitely possesses a liquid level indicator to measure the liquids inside the storage tanks.

Some may wonder why use liquids in an automobile manufacturing unit? This question was solved when a reputable TV channel paid a visit to a very famous and a leading brand automobile manufacturing unit. While they allowed the channel to air the various processes involved in their car manufacturing unit, they revealed a major use of a liquid called cyanide. The entire car’s metal structure gets dipped in the liquid before sending it to the paint shop because according to their research, it allows the paint to stick more firmly to the body making it long lasting and safe from rust for a very long time.

Such techniques are not limited to just some manufacturing units nowadays. These types of techniques and uses of different kinds of liquids are widely being applied in the manufacturing industry today. It allows the product to be strengthened and makes it durable. This age is the age of modern inventions but quality is also in focus. To improve the quality of the products the manufacturers are using different combinations of liquids and solid raw materials which are not too costly and yet provide the best results. As competition is hard to beat, cost effectiveness is also a huge issue which needs to be focused and hence the price control is also a major issue among the manufacturers.

The required liquids are stored in huge quantities in the manufacturing unit’s storage departments. These liquids are kept in huge storage tanks and for precise measurement of these storage tanks, the ultrasonic level indicator is used. Sometimes this device is used as a secondary measuring device and at times it is also used as the primary. It depends upon the nature of the storage tank and also upon the need to measure the liquids. To measure the sensitive liquids such as the cyanide or single skinned containers, the ultrasonic level indicator proves to be the best measuring device because it provides safety and accuracy both at the same time.solid-powder-solution